A staple of everyday carry for just about every one, wallets come in all shapes, sizes and materials and play the pivotal role of securing your all important cash and cards.
Wallets: a bag for holding provisions, especially when travelling, typically used by pedlars and pilgrims.
Wallets were first produced in the 17th century after the introduction of paper currency to the West in the 1600s. And, in the early life of the wallet, in addition to money, a wallet was used to carry dried meat, treasures and "things not to be exposed."
Fast forward to the 19th century, it was then considered uncivilized to carry wallets in pockets. During this time in history, wallets were carried in one's belt!
At Outerbound, we strive to source the best wallets from brands we know, use and trust. From Bellroy, the slim wallet pioneers to Herschel to minimalist Status Anxiety men's and women's wallets and more, discover the best wallets for sale online at Outerbound.